Sunday, February 7, 2010

Happy Chinese New Year!

the year of the tiger......

dragon dance
part of the dragon dance as well

the tree of waiting children needing your help.......

brady meeting chen yang

every year we go to a charity dinner for the nathan yip foundation. linda and jimmy yip lost their son in an auto accident when he was only 19 years old. it was nathan's vision to start an organization to help impoverished children worldwide. in 2002 the yips started the foundation in honor of nathan. it has been amazing to watch over the years the schools they have built for children and all that they have done to enrich these children's lives. last night we adopted a little girl who is a first grader. her name is chen yan. it is amazing to me how far our $100 for the year will go for her. it will help fund her education for the year and supply all the books and materials that she will need to go to school. we can continue to re-adopt her every year and watch her grow. we asked brady this morning if he wanted to come and meet his new "sister". he ran over to the photo and stared at if for some time. if you have some time you should go to the nathan yip foundation website. (click on nathan yip foundation above). it truly is an extraordinary mission they have set out to accomplish. the dinner is quite an evening in itself. it starts out with an amazing dragon dance. the dragons are absolutely beautiful. at the end of the dance the dragon climbs up the pole to eat his lettuce that is offered up to him. He then throws some of the lettuce in the air. it is good luck if you catch a piece and is supposed to bring you prosperity in the new year. at the beginning of the dinner we are served a salad. everyone at the table then takes their chop sticks and tosses the salad together. it is supposed to bring everyone at that table good fortune for the new year. a truly amazing event the yips and all of their volunteers put on year after year.

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