Tuesday, April 14, 2009

i have become more mellow with experience.....

boys playing in the sand box

the faces of perfect angels

yes i did allow a hockey game to be played in my house or as i was told a "pretend" hockey game.

logan chillin watching the hockey game.

3 months ago i would have not been able to handle this situation. today i wanted to help a dear friend. so when she called and asked me to watch her boys so she could have some me time..... i agreed. how hard could it be to have have four boys in my house under the age of 4? to add to it i invited my friend christy over with her two..... so we had 5 boys under the age of 4 and one girl. to be honest it went surprisingly smooth. all boys were on their best behavior and everyone had a great time. before everyone departed to go to red robin for lunch i was nursing logan. carter came into the room and asked me "are you feeding logan from your boob?" after some laughing...... i answered yes. you gotta love the things 4 year olds ask especially my dear carter. such a cute little man....... and for those of you wondering yes, lunch at red robin with three adults and six children went smooth..... surprise, surprise...... we had a great day today. here is to nap time now, or at least brady napping logan is wide awake. no nap for mommy again today........ i really do cherish these days, thank God for caffeine.
PS. Thanks Meg for letting my borrow your perfect angels today and thanks Christy and Lylah for coming over to add some estrogen to the party!

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