Thursday, April 30, 2009


the other day brady began to share his trains with logan. on his own with no prompting from anyone in the room. i was so proud of him. i can't wait to watch them play together when logan gets older. they will have so much fun. yes i know they will have their rough times too, but there can't always be good. my little boy in growing up right in front of me. he is going to be such a great young man someday.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

play house, play house outside please......

this weekend grandma and grandpa came to visit. brady got his birthday gift early since they will not be back here in june. he absolutely loves it. today we played outside in it for an hour. It was chilly, the wind was blowing and he was not fazed one bit. logan sat and watched him but then decided his bug chew ring was far more entertaining. some day he will be able to have fun too in brady's cool new play house. thanks grandma and grandpa for a great weekend. by the way brady has now decided it is cool to have sand all over the floor of his play house.......

Monday, April 20, 2009

busy bee

a year and a half ago i was going crazy in my house. i was a new mom who had completely lost my identity. i was staying home getting spit up on changing poopy diapers, nursing, changing poopy diapers and worst part of it i felt completely alone. looking back on those days makes me laugh. i thought i would never survive and my life was over. these days i am so busy taking care of both my boys, starting a new business and a social calendar i would have killed for back then. i am not alone. i have met a lot of great people. other moms that know exactly what i am going through. it is a great social network and i am so happy to be completely busy everyday. i look forward to the days that i can stay home and get caught up on laundry and all the other things that continually pile up..... and it is okay to let them pile up because my kids happiness and my sanity depend on it! there is life inside and outside of mommy hood you just have to be willing to accept your new life for what it is. some day i will look back on these days and miss them terribly......

Thursday, April 16, 2009

more piggies please

Our new favorite thing is this little piggy....... when we are all done brady in true adorable fashion says "more piggies, more piggies please."

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

i have become more mellow with experience.....

boys playing in the sand box

the faces of perfect angels

yes i did allow a hockey game to be played in my house or as i was told a "pretend" hockey game.

logan chillin watching the hockey game.

3 months ago i would have not been able to handle this situation. today i wanted to help a dear friend. so when she called and asked me to watch her boys so she could have some me time..... i agreed. how hard could it be to have have four boys in my house under the age of 4? to add to it i invited my friend christy over with her two..... so we had 5 boys under the age of 4 and one girl. to be honest it went surprisingly smooth. all boys were on their best behavior and everyone had a great time. before everyone departed to go to red robin for lunch i was nursing logan. carter came into the room and asked me "are you feeding logan from your boob?" after some laughing...... i answered yes. you gotta love the things 4 year olds ask especially my dear carter. such a cute little man....... and for those of you wondering yes, lunch at red robin with three adults and six children went smooth..... surprise, surprise...... we had a great day today. here is to nap time now, or at least brady napping logan is wide awake. no nap for mommy again today........ i really do cherish these days, thank God for caffeine.
PS. Thanks Meg for letting my borrow your perfect angels today and thanks Christy and Lylah for coming over to add some estrogen to the party!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

preparing for the Easter bunny

let the Easter egg coloring begin!

Logan slept through the whole event

Brady tasting what he is working with


What color is this? BLUE! No Brady it's green. Color this? BLUE! No Brady green....... Good Times!
We had a great time last night with Auntie coloring eggs. We could not get Brady to eat much of his dinner, which I must say was quite good Steak and Fries....... But he sure did like the vinegar water Easter egg dye. Thank GOD everything is non-toxic these days......... With a green mouth and hands we finished with some awesome eggs. Then it was too the sink to wash up and put our PJ's on for bed. Looking forward to Sunday and the Easter Egg hunt should be a lot of fun this year. Happy Easter everyone!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Logan and the Shrinking Monkey - 3 months

Well little guy you are three months old now, hard to believe. You are by far one of the happiest babies I have ever known. There are very few times when you don't have a smile on your face. You are so alert. It is fun to watch you begin to watch your older brother, you smile at him a lot. Yes we think he is pretty funny too. You are sitting up pretty well with support of course. You like story time with me and Brady. You sit in your bouncy chair and attentively look at the pages and smile as I read the story. You laugh for Daddy now. It is such an adorable sound. You have yet to laugh for me but I know that will come with time. You are still cooing but have started to make the ma and da sounds occasionally. You got your first round of shots and cried so hard, I cried right a long with you. You slept most of the afternoon and night after that. You have been sleeping from 8pm to 3 or 4 am for mommy, I really appreciate it given your brother still does not sleep for those long of stretches. We are so blessed to have you in our lives. We love you Logey Roo!

Monday, April 6, 2009

spring is in the air

Today I took the boys for a walk. After the snow and cold this weekend it was nice to get outside. There are signs of spring everywhere. It just took a little water (finally) to help everything begin its process of blooming. I couldn't help but think of you today Gee Gee. How happy you would be to see all the flowers in your front garden start to bloom and how mad you would be that the pesky dear was eating half of them back down to the ground. You wouldn't chase him off though, because you wouldn't want him to run down to the road and get hit by the car. So you would just sit there annoyed every time he took a bite. You would yell at him through the picture window from your chair. Aaaaaaah memories. Miss you Gee Gee.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Brady helping daddy blow out his candles

Brady had to get this first taste of course!
Happy Birthday daddy! We had a lot of fun with you today, hanging out around the house and singing the sprout happy happy birthday to you song over and over and over. We hope you had a great day!
Love you!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

One of our new favorite books is If You Give A Mouse A Cookie by Laura Joffe Numeroff. Brady absolutely loves this book! He loves to finish most of the sentences especially the ones that end with milk or thirsty or straw...... I know she has many other books just like this one like If You Give A Cat A Cupcake..... we may have to collect them all.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

the sick house

our house has been plagued with the bug! brady and mommy have been sooooo sick! We have the cough, sore throats and stuffy noses! i finally broke down and took brady to the doctor enough was enough he has had it for four weeks and his fever came back. needless to say he got antibiotics so i decided to go to my doctor and plead and i got some too! we are finally showing signs of improvement hopefully by the weekend we will be like new! i promise to blog more next week when i feel better i have so much to share!