Sunday, December 14, 2008

ooooh the weather outside is frightful!

It feels like we moved to Illinois! With a high of 15 degrees today and a low of below zero and snow falling all day......... needless to say the Smith's decided to not try and venture out today. We stayed in and played, colored, put together and destroyed our train track several times and watched the Bronco game. Mommy decided that she was going to bake those cookies after all. What are the holidays with out any cookies? Not to mention my excuse to indulge is quickly coming to an end with my due date 13 days away. So Brady helped mommy make some cranberry gelatin candy canes and ginger bread shaped treats (very sweet I must say.) We also made cornflake Christmas wreaths and frosted sugar cookies. Yum Yum! I promised Brady a cookie when he woke up from nap for being so good and helpful while Mommy baked this morning and from the looks of him when he was done, we will say he definitely enjoyed it. Now we are hunkering down for a warm evening inside. So much for that barometric pressure Meghan...... it hasn't worked yet!

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